Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always felt that September was like a second New Year. While most of my friends were sorry to see summer go, I never was. I was the one that loved the feeling of going back to schedules and routines, new school supplies, new school clothes and a new school year stretching ahead of me! Life felt fresh, new and full of possibilities.

That September feeling is still here in my grown-up days. There’s just something about leaving the lazy, long, unstructured summer days behind, the weather cooling down… everyone getting back to routines and the even the holidays on the far horizon – I have that same feeling of life refreshed, and starting again. I look forward to new experiences, plans and possibilities. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way…

In an essay I read recently by Sarah Ban Breathnach, Sarah echoes the same feelings I have of September renewal. She encourages us to go with that feeling and to take it one step further: by turning over a new leaf! Start a new tradition by making personal and positive resolutions, and identify authentic wants or goals in September, instead of January. She quotes Katharine Fite:

“January’s negative resolutions are made when we are worn out in spirit, body and pocketbook, and have no real urge to do anything but rest.”

Katharine Elizabeth Fite, Good Housekeeping, 1949

There’s truth there. (The only thing I want to plan after Christmas is my “long winter’s nap”!) I think from now on, I’ll turn over a new leaf in September, not January – it will be my time to pause, take stock, and renew my personal goals and make my resolutions to reach them. 2020 is the perfect time to start. Grab a leaf and join me!