My personal mantra of “Just do today… but make it the best it can be”, has gotten me through just about everything life has thrown at me. Sometimes our trials are just plain overwhelming and unbearable – both physically and emotionally. Like I mentioned before, bringing down your view to just today is a way to deal with that overwhelm. It helps us survive this time.

But life is more than just surviving – yes, even when things are at their worst. Making this ‘today’ the best it can be is real soul food for you and those around you.

The Lucky Charms Story. There have been some pretty dark days during my daughter’s health challenges. I remember one Spring in particular. It was the day before St. Patrick’s Day and I ran out for a quick grocery trip while my husband watched over things. Driving away from the house, my thoughts were full of what we were going through, and how everything felt so heavy and impossible. I think I said a quick prayer asking for strength and perspective. Arriving at the store, I thought of my little family…how much I loved my daughter who was going through so much. I thought of my husband – my best friend – steady and true, patient and loving. Wow. I seriously could not do this without him!

With the holiday coming up, I wished I could do something creative and fun to lift everyone’s spirits. I just didn’t have it in me. I contemplated all of this as I went up and down the aisles, filling my cart. Finishing up on the cereal aisle, I saw a box of Lucky Charms. On an impulse, I threw it in the cart; tomorrow was St. Patrick’s Day after all! The next morning, I decided Lucky Charms was gonna be breakfast. Remembering yesterday’s thoughts, I grabbed a sticky note and wrote “So LUCKY to have you!”. I popped it on the box, left it on the counter and went upstairs to shower and start my day.

Dad and daughter found the box and were tickled. I came down to smiles and those two chatting and chomping away on that sugary cereal. They loved my love note! I remember thinking, wow – such a little thing, but look how it lifted spirits! I learned that even on the worst days, we can make the best of things. Find that proverbial joy in the journey, no matter how small those joys might be.

Since that day, my mantra changed to add ‘make it the best day it can be’. The ‘best’ can be as small as a cereal box with a love note, or just showering and getting dressed on the really hard days. On better days it can be more. I have found that I can thrive, and not just survive through hard times.

Here are some tips for making it the best day it can be:

Have gratitude and be more mindful of the beauty in your life. Do this daily. No matter how bad things are, they can always be worse. Focus on what you have, not what you’ve lost. Look for the beauty in your days, even if you have to squint to find it!

Service. I know, I know – how can you serve and lift others while you feel like you are drowning?! Going through your own hard times expands your heart and compassion for others. You can be a gift to others also going through hard times – because you get it! An act of kindness doesn’t have to be major undertaking, just lift where you stand. Do what you can. There are no small things – kindness always eases burdens – I know this first hand! At the very least, we can cheer each other on. Your own heart will feel the lighter for it.

Something to look forward to. No matter how small, this one’s good medicine for hard times. We’ve done movie marathons, observed silly national holidays, day trips, naughty late night chocolate chip cookie runs, created a special dessert, etc. Not particularly creative? The whole internet is waiting with a million ideas, baby! Yay for Pinterest, especially. This blog will soon become a good source for ideas too.

As a wise sage named Red Green once observed –

Remember, I’m pulling for you. We’re all in this together.