You know I love all holidays – big or small throughout the year. I found out National Chocolate Chip Day was celebrated earlier this Spring. (Now, that’s a holiday I can happily celebrate!) Did you know, in addition to being yummy, the little chocolate chip can teach us life lessons?

There’s a great little book out there called “Be the Chocolate Chip” by Jen Brewer and Amy Stucky. The book’s message is this: just like chocolate chips retain their form despite the heat of the oven, we can withstand the heat and pressures of this world and remain true to ourselves. Love that.

Here’s something else we can learn from a chocolate chip: small things make a difference in the world and to the people around you. Tasting a chocolate chip in a cookie makes that cookie SO much better, right? Well, I can testify that being treated to small acts of kindness in a day works the same way. During our survival times, there were no small things – every little act of kindness given was a relief and helped us hold on just a little longer. I’m grateful to this day for the kindnesses we were shown. And, we’ve all heard stories of one kind act changing someone’s life – this being kind to others is powerful stuff!

“There is nothing more important than kindness and love and care because of all the problems that are in the world today. If just one person can do one intentional kind thing for someone else each day, that can lead to another act of kindness and another and another. Kindness can be contagious.”

Khosrow Semnani

This world desperately needs more small acts of goodness – I wonder what would happen if everyone did just one small act of kindness each day? Recently, my community launched a “One Kind Act a Day” campaign to do just that. Check out this great kindness website: It’s a hub for all things kindness; it includes ideas for acts of kindness, and other inspirational content.

We can do small things – no matter how crazy our lives are. Make a batch of chocolate chip cookies and start your own kindness campaign at your house. Be a chocolate chip! You will change the world.