Despite what my thermometer says, we are saying goodbye to summer here where I live, as school starts again. While summer isn’t my favorite season, I delight in those lovely, lazy, long, summer evenings! Add a loved one, a sleepy dog and a cool drink — and you’re in heaven. (happy sigh) However, the thing I will probably miss the most is summer tomatoes! I long for these when they’re gone – especially come January – when tomatoes taste like cardboard. Bleh. What will you miss about summertime?
Some of my friends cheer when their kids go back to school, but I always grieve a little bit, as we transition into Fall. Although I love the other seasons, I feel like I get to play with my kids and spend more time together as a family, during the summer. Every year when the kids go back to school, I am a little melancholy, as it seems like it is much too soon… This year, when I say goodbye to my kids, it will feel much more permanent, as the two remaining in our home are going off to college.
I love your mama-heart, Shauna. As I read your comment, I thought how similar these feelings of letting go of our college-bound kids were to the heartache of waving goodbye to our tiny little ones as they start kindergarten. The realization that a chapter has just closed and things will never be the same. We come full circle, don’t we? Sending you hugs.