Words to Live By

Goodbye Summer

Despite what my thermometer says, we are saying goodbye to summer here where I live, as school starts again. While summer isn’t my favorite season, I delight in those lovely, lazy, long, summer evenings! Add a loved one, a sleepy dog and a cool drink — and you’re in heaven. (happy sigh) However, the thing […]

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Just Do Today

This has been my personal mantra for almost a decade now, and has been key to me making it through some pretty tough times. The actual mantra goes like this: “Just do today, but make it the best day it can be.” There are some experiences that we go through in life that are so […]

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The Most Beautiful Stories…

“The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage.” — Jack London I love this quote. Adversity is always a part of a beautiful story, whether written or lived. I’ve found this idea to be true in my own life and in many others of my acquaintance. Since none are free from troubles, I believe each […]

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